Episode 13 - What is a climate model?

October 15, 2018 00:14:11
Episode 13 - What is a climate model?
Royal Meteorological Society Podcast
Episode 13 - What is a climate model?

Oct 15 2018 | 00:14:11


Show Notes

For our 13th episode, Liz sits down with John Mitchell, former Chief Meteorologist at the Met Office and author of our new briefing paper on “Climate Modelling”. They discuss how climate models work and the science behind them, how they’re validated and the difference between short-term forecasts and long-term climate predictions.

Our membership is open to everyone and anyone with an interest in weather and climate, whether that be as a science, profession or interest. We have over 3,300 members from more than 50 countries that includes academics, scientists and professional meteorologists as well as students and keen weather enthusiasts.

The Society's programmes are broad and diverse, with many activities accessible not only to members but also to the general public and the wider meteorological and climate community. For more information on our charitable activities and events visit our website at www.rmets.org.

Thank you for listening! Comments and ideas for future topics are always welcomed so please get in touch at [email protected].

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