Episode 23 - An ice free Arctic what could it mean for European weather

Episode 23 October 17, 2021 00:13:34
Episode 23 - An ice free Arctic what could it mean for European weather
Royal Meteorological Society Podcast
Episode 23 - An ice free Arctic what could it mean for European weather

Oct 17 2021 | 00:13:34


Show Notes

Hannah Mallinson, Science Engagement Manager at RMetS speaks to Prof James Screen, co-author of our new climate briefing paper focusing on what an ice free Arctic could mean for European weather.

The Society's Science Engagement Committee is producing a series of Climate Science Briefing Papers with the aim to clearly and concisely explain important aspects of climate science. The briefing papers can be found here: https://www.rmets.org/briefing-papers

The Society's programmes are broad and diverse, with many activities accessible not only to members but also to the general public and the wider meteorological and climate community. For more information on our charitable activities and events visit rmets.org.

Thank you for listening! Comments and ideas for future topics are always welcomed so please get in touch at [email protected].

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