Caroline Coch, Climate Science Specialist at RMetS, speaks to Adam Scaife, Head of Long-range forecasting at the Met Office and Professor at Exeter University. They discuss the latest briefing paper Solar Variability: Does variation in the Sun's output affect climate?
The Royal Meteorological Society just released the 7th climate science briefing paper on “Solar Variability”. People arguing against human-caused climate change have often built their reasoning on the variability of the Sun. Caroline Coch sits down with Prof. Adam Scaife to look at the variation of the Sun’s output, measurements of the Sun’s variability and how regional and global climate is affected by it.
The Society's Climate Science Communication Group is producing a series of Climate Science Briefing Papers with the aim to clearly and concisely explain important aspects of climate science.
The first RMetS Climate Change Forum will take place on the 4th June 2019. Find out more about the events of the Royal Meteorological Society here.
The Society's programmes are broad and diverse, with many activities accessible not only to members but also to the general public and the wider meteorological and climate community. For more information on our charitable activities and events visit
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